Growing tomatoes (Martin WARE)

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Potted Vegetable Garden storing and saving Tomato Seeds

Thanks for being a part of the Potted Vegetable Garden!

Today we are going to discuss storing and collecting tomato seeds for next season.
Now as I mentioned before I am all for saving you a buck and helping you succeed at the same time.

Well one way is by collecting and storing your very own Tomato seeds.
Actually it’s really simple and works great.

What you will need
1 roll of tissue paper.
A knife
Plastic sandwich clip bag, or airtight container
Strip of paper and a pen.

Step 1: Get your Tomato cut it in half then squeeze the seed onto the tissue paper. Spread the seed out well on the tissue paper.
Step 2: Let the seed dry out on the paper, takes about 1 day!
Step 3: Once the seed is dry roll it up place into the sealed clip sandwich bag or airtight container
Step 4: Write on a strip of paper the name of the seed and the date
Step 5: Save in a cool place until next growing season.

Once you are ready to plant the Tomato seeds just place the paper 1mm beneath the soil and keep moist and warm until the seedlings appear.
If you only want a few plants then only tear off as much paper and seed as you need.

If you want more information about growing Tomatoes please click the link below and keep learning.

Happy Gardening
Marty, Karin and the Potted Vegetable Garden


Today we are going to discuss about

Sprouting those lovely little Tomato plants. What you will need?

Tomato seeds of choice
Some quality seed raising, or potting mix.
A small shallow tray with holes for drainage.
A clear plastic bag and a rubber band or a tie.
A warm place such as a water heater.

1. Fill your tray with seed raising or potting mix
2. Place your seed into mix and scrape into the medium. All seed only needs to be as deep as the height of the seed.
3. Sit the tray in a container of water for ten to twenty minutes so the water soaks up through the bottom.
4. If you are in a hurry sprinkle lightly with a watering can, being careful not to bring the seed to the surface.
5. Place the tray in a clear plastic bag and tie off.
6. Place the seed tray in the bag in a warm position.
7. Seeds only need warmth and moisture to sprout. On top of the water heater is a great place.
8. One week later the seedlings should start appearing.
9. Place them in a sunny position in the bag for 2-3 days then remove them from the bag.
10. In cool areas you could make a mini greenhouse from plastic to keep them warmer through the day and night to give them a great head-start.

I hope you learn a lot from this lesson. Remember to show your kids how this is done.
Most kids love sprouting seeds.

If you want to learn more about growing Tomatoes you can check out two different article that I have online.

Have a great day and Happy Gardening
From Marty,Karin and the Potted Vegetable Garden


What type of potting mix should you use?
Not the crap cheap ones that’s for sure!

But if you want to save a few hard earned dollars then I have great news for you!
You can mix up your own.
“Mix up your own you say” Sounds like hard work?
No not really.

Here is what you do.
Buy a mid range potting mix
Purchase some top quality compost
Also, buy some organic fertilizer pellets that contain blood and bone, fish emulsion, seaweed etc.

Then we mix it through.
You will need to put in 2 thirds potting mix.
One third compost and mix well.
Also mix in your pelleted fertilizer, big containers need about 3 handfuls.

Plant in your seedling once it has about 3 sets of leaves and water in well.
Make sure the root is nice and straight when planting.
Also plant nice and deep, all those hairs on the stems become roots.
Place in the shade for a day to reduce shock.
The next day bring it into the full sun.

That’s it for now, tomorrow we are going to discuss fertilizing Tomatoes and provide a great money saving tip!

Also, if you feel the erg to learn more then just visit the Potted Vegetable Garden.


How to fertilize Tomatoes!

You have probably heard of N.P.K
Here is the basic formula
up: Nitrogen promotes top growth
down: Phosphorus promotes good roots
all around:
k: Potassium benefits the whole plant

Now that is explained lets cover it in plain English.
This is what I do and it’s super successful and cheap.
Plus it’s organic and healthy.

I water my seedlings with a weak seaweed mix once a week.
Once they reach about a 2-3 weeks old I slowly increase the mix to a stronger solution.
Seaweed won’t burn roots and is great, but it lacks nitrogen for leaf growth.
So I either buy fish emulsion or I use another money saving formula.
I soak my organic pelleted solution in water (bucket) over night then water in.

Once the Tomatoes get about 3 weeks old I also sprinkle a small amount of pelleted fertilizer around the top of the pot.

What type of pelleted fertilizer should you use?
Use an organic mix of poultry (chook poo) or fish emulsion.
Remember the potting mix contains nutrients, so don’t over do it.
It’s much better to under fertilize than burn the roots

Once the plant starts flowering decrease the fish emulsion and pellets as you don’t want the Tomato to produce to much leaf growth, but flowers and fruits.

TIP: Do you have any Sweet Basil seedlings? If the answer is yes put them in the same container with your Toms as these guys are companions and just dig being together!
They protect each other from pest and disease and increase flavour!

Tip 2: Low on cash and need fertilizer? Here is a real beauty. Collect weeds, put them in a bucket for a few days then water youR plants with the liquid. All the nutrients locked up in the weeds will leach into the water!


Published by

Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.