Companion planting with herbs

Photo credit: Gardening at home

Tips On Companion Planting With Herbs In Your Garden

Companion planting with herbs will give some benefits for the plants themselves and power to help each other to grow and thrive. For example, companion planting your home-grown tomatoes with sweet basil will improve your tomatoes taste, companion planting some caraway plants throughout your garden will help to loosen the soil, or companion planting feverfew with your roses will also help to keep the aphids away. Certain herbs and other plants will do better simply by planting them nearby to each other but other herbs and plants should be kept far away. So you need to consider several factors when choosing companion plants for your herb garden.

Read more: Companion Planting Vegetables with Other Plants

Published by

Willem Van Cotthem

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Ghent (Belgium). Scientific Consultant for Desertification and Sustainable Development.